Welcome to What Women Are Saying! WWAS is a combination blog and public service site with the goal of highlighting the work of female journalists and reporters around the world. Studies have shown that women’s articles, essays and commentaries are shared, reforwarded and discussed online much less than the work of men. So if you see a woman’s work on this sight that you enjoy, please introduce them to your followers on social media. I am reactivating this site after losing a lot of content in a revenge hack and appreciate your patience as I rebuild. I am a MediaNews expat and seminary grad who writes about politics, religion, economics, social issues, and humor. My graduate degrees in theology, ethics, and political economy give me a multifaceted perspective on how the interaction of these fields shapes our views and beliefs, and our shared lives. So does having grown up in a small conservative town in Arkansas when evangelical Southern Baptists were still rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and supporting separation of church and state as necessary for preserving religious integrity. That said, I will always be a jazz singer at heart, forever trying to do justice to Quiet Nights.
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